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“Design is a funny word. Some people think design means how it looks. But of course, if you dig deeper, it’s really how it works.”

-Steve Jobs

This quote so aptly describes Feng Shui.

While Architects and Interior designers are focused on the aesthetics and functionality of the space, Feng Shui works at deeper levels to create extraordinary quality of life experiences for the occupants.

Consider how your life will feel when you have improved finances, great career / business, enhanced partnering with your spouse, family, colleagues and business partners, or good recognition and rewards. Instead of struggling to make things happen, create a space in which things just happen smoothly.

Leadership / Life Coaching creates ‘Inside out transformation’. This means shifts happen inside you, and show up as enhanced quality of life experiences.

‘Outside in transformation’ is created through application of Feng Shui to your living and working spaces. This helps in creating a shift in the intrinsic behaviour patterns and mindsets of the individual/s.

What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is an amalgam of Science, Cosmic laws, and Ecology. It corrects any elemental imbalances in the space that could be causing concerns like financial hardships, difficult relationships, poor health, etc.

The added advantage is that it impacts all aspects of the family / business, and all the people therein.

Feng Shui Explained Through Quantum Physics

Feng Shui is founded on the fact that there is an ongoing flow of energy between humans and their physical surroundings. Quantum Physics plays a major role in this.

Research by Quantum Physicists shows that atoms are made up of vortices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating.

Since human body is made up of atoms and molecules, we are actually vortices of energy, radiating our own unique Biofield of energy that includes our thought patterns, feelings and emotions. The same is true for all the so-called non-living things in our living and working spaces, as those are also made up of atoms and molecules, radiating their unique energy patterns.

The Biofield of each human being automatically tends to attract the living and working premises with matching energy patterns. The energies of the occupants and the premises impact each other. This interaction of humans and their environment is effectively utilised through the application of Feng Shui.

SMR through Feng Shui

When I visited someone’s office, I sensed money to be a major concern in spite of great inflows. They were astonished how I could tell. Within a few months of making all the suggested changes, they recovered a sizeable amount of half a millions dollars. This was merely one of the benefits.

Another client was able to sell her business at a good profit within months of getting the Feng Shui Consultancy done.

A very hard working and capable stakeholder in a business house was feeling unsupported and not appreciated for his contribution. After implementing the suggested changes, within a short span of time things just turned around. He started getting recognised for his exclusive business ideas and leadership, and is the CEO today.

Applying Feng Shui Principles

My expertise lies in recognising the energy pattens of the premises from the floor plan, and then interpreting the behaviour patterns and narratives of the inhabitants.

Next Step is to apply Feng Shui techniques to maximise the energies there to ensure that the energy is of consistently high frequency, and flowing at a healthy pace.

Objective is to create the desired shifts in the behaviour patterns, mindsets and narratives of the people concerned. This sets the scenario for wonderful opportunities and prosperity in all areas of life, as may be needed. Bottom line is a Personal, Interpersonal, and Environmental Transformation.

How does it work?

Provide me the following:

  • Floor plan of your premises.
  • Video tour of your premises.

I will provide:

  • Detailed analysis of your premises.
  • Suggestions and Recommendations for enhancement of every part of the premises.
  • Implementation discussion to explain the intricacies.

Schedule a Complimentary Discovery Call

Real-Life Feng Shui Experiences

While doing the Feng Shui Consultancy of someone’s house, from the floor-plan and video tour I told them that one specific room in the house would be having plenty of conflicting conversations, specifically money related, and the females were feeling being treated unfair. The family was surprised how I could know, and confirmed that they had property related heated discussions in that room at multiple times.

Another house had a particular room in the house which I knew would be having very relaxing energies, and people will not feel like getting up from there. It was confirmed by them that each family member wanted to spend more time there.

Experiences of Clients

"When Rita visited our office first time, she had a look around and said, “Money seems to be a major concern here in spite of great inflows. We were stunned how she could tell. Within the next few months we were able to recover a sizeable amount of half a millions dollars. This was merely one of the benefits. One of our projects was stuck for a long time, and within months movement started, and properties started getting sold."
Four Seasons Dev
“We have experienced amazing results that I would never have thought possible. I have had major breakthroughs in my business that were way beyond my expectations. I have successfully tied up with 2 big brands which has resulted in huge financial gains. My health has significantly improved for the better. For the first time in years I have reduced my medicine intake and am feeling healthier than ever. I have more fulfilling relationship with my wife. Overall communication among all of us in the family is now much more effective and productive. This has truly been one of the best decisions I have taken. Based on this experience, we would now like to consult with you for my Mumbai office as well as Pune office. In fact, I have strongly recommended your services to two of my close friends, even offering to pay for the Consultancy fee on their behalf, and take the money from them only after they experience benefits in their life. That’s the amount of trust and faith I have in your Consultancy.”
Nirjay Impex
“The Feng Shui report provided was extremely meticulous and detailed. After implementation the first shift I experienced was that I felt much more calm, more patient and most importantly was not nit-picking and nagging. My husband Zahid who prior to the consultation was a ball of fire, despite being overseas, also seemed more relaxed, composed and patient. Daughter Aaliya”s equation with me and Zahid has become very harmonious and pleasant. Zahid is less stressed now, consulting, taking opinion and not dictating as earlier. Family property which we were unaware of has surfaced suddenly and surprisingly Zahid being a direct inheritor by birth and hierarchy gets it. How I wish I had got this done earlier and that a lot of time had not been wasted and moments lost. My home has already transformed into a haven of peace, warmth, and pure contentment. There is a light, pleasant, and welcoming feel to the entire house.”
Sitwat Mulla
"We decided to get the Feng Shui Consultancy for our home done at a stage in our lives when we thought nothing was going right workwise, financially and personally. My business had come to a standstill. I was stuck between the idea of either selling it, or taking it over from my partner and running it independently. My husband's firm was going at a snail's pace with very few projects in hand. Both of us were having constant fights and misunderstandings. Personally I was constantly feeling low and often very irritable. My husband also often complained of having very unpleasant dreams. As we started implementing the changes recommended by Rita, within a couple of weeks I was able to strike a deal to sell my business at a good profit. My husband started getting better business opportunities. His disturbed sleep and unpleasant dreams were completely a thing of the past. We also started communicating better which helped resolve a lot of issues. The strongest shift is the sense of positivity which has come in.”
Dhanya Menon
“Feng Shui Consultancy has been rewarding, and has had a profound impact on me. When I read the report, it was hard to believe the accurate observations made. I started wondering how you knew exactly what we wanted and what was missing in our life. Things like Partnering between me and my husband Bhavesh, health issues, our family growth, how I felt unsupported, unforeseen obstacles in our daughter’s education and things she likes to pursue were the first few that I could instantly resonate with. I soon started experiencing a feeling of calmness within and a happy feeling as if Feng Shui was a Magic Wand. Health started getting better and I feel energetic. Partnering between me and Bhavesh became very good and we started communicating better. The major shift we experienced was that we both agreed to choose the path to transform our life. My daughter has started expressing herself freely. Her energy levels have improved and she has started achieving what she wanted. Bhavesh is expressing more, is more understanding, calm, peaceful, motivated, and confident. I am grateful to you for introducing me to the world of Feng Shui. I am feeling empowered.”
Deepali and Bhavesh
“Doing Feng Shui Consultancy for my apartment has been a very positive experience that took into consideration all my requests. The biggest shifts were the improvement in familial relationships. I had not talked to my sister in close to 2 years, and right around when I started making the changes in my house, she just reached out to me out of the blue, initiating contact after a long time. Since then we have both made conscious efforts to stay in touch. Also my aunt and uncle who I had not met in 30 plus years, although we were in touch, reached out and came to visit me during their trip to the US, and also stayed with me for a full weekend. I have also seen improvements in my dating life. I noticed that money flow has improved, even though my earning capacity didn’t change drastically. Financially I was able to refinance my mortgage, which reduced my monthly payments considerably. I also felt a drastic improvement in my health. A lot of minor health ailments slowly started reducing or disappearing. I had been asked to remove one of my art-pieces, a famous Picasso that I had copied on my own and was very proud of it. I was surprised that a close friend who came to my apartment a couple of days later, loved that very piece and wanted the same. Not a coincidence. I gladly took that down and handed it over to him. Good energy had already started flowing into my apartment. “
New York


Yes you can. Feng Shui does not necessarily involve any structural changes. Moreover, the shifts suggested and recommended are mostly easy and simple to incorporate, while retaining your original interiors. 

It does not matter whether you own the place, or are a tenant there.  As you are occupying the premises, it has your energies there and is impacting your life. Get the Feng Shui consultancy done and with the shifts experienced you could attract a better new place faster than you think.

In a way you are right. However let me tell you that through Feng Shui we identify your current energies, and guide you to bring about a shift in those energies, thereby bringing about shifts in various areas of your life. So if you get the Feng Shui done of your present house / office, your energies will already shift, and that will allow you to attract a house / office with the new transformed energies. Otherwise there is a strong possibility that you will attract a house / office with the same prevalent energy patterns. So choice is yours. 
Second option is that you could avail of my guidance to choose an appropriate new house / office which is more Feng Shui compliant, and therefore more beneficial for you. 

There is no thumb rule for this. In my experience, shifts are often experienced even before the changes recommended are completed. There have been instances where the shifts were experienced soon after the video tour of the premises was done. Basically this is energy work, and the energy shifts can start even immediately, and seemingly miraculously.

To give you an accurate analysis and recommendation report, I definitely need your original floor plan. A rough sketch will not do. My experience has been that if your intent is clear to get the Feng Shui done, the floor plan will become available to you. Alternatively it is fairly easy to get a new floor plan made from an architect.