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Past Life Healing for Future Creation

Ponder over these questions

  • Have you ever experienced a deja vu with a person or place or maybe a voice, a feeling that you have met the person, or visited the place before?
  • Do you feel troubled by memories of some past events?
  • Do you have some recurring fears, phobias or obsessions that you can’t explain?
  • Are there certain occurrences in your life that do not seem to make sense, and you are seeking answers?

If your answer to any of these is a yes, then you are at the right place in the right moment reading this.

We are a function of our PAST. This includes our recent past, older past, and subconsciously the Past Lives as well.

Past Life experiences are not a belief system. They have valid scientific explanation.

You will agree that there is some form of energy within us, whatever name we may give it, consciousness, soul, spirit, life force. When a person dies, that energy leaves the body. Where does it go? It cannot die because Law of conservation of energy says:

“Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.
It can only change forms.”

Likewise when a child is born, no brand new energy can be created for it. That energy has existed before, and carries the imprint of some memories and accompanying emotional charge from the past, which is now carried by this child in the depths of its subconscious.

Healing from our past plays a key role in letting go of our dysfunctional stories.

PAST is a Library of Reference. It is a valuable resource to tap into whenever the need arises. Some past however is often not pleasant. How are we to get liberated from those unpleasant memories and accompanying emotional charge?

Recognition of the cause of the emotional charge and the issues faced in the current lifetime is the pathway to move forward. It is imperative to address each issue and get proper closure. Next step is neutralising that charge and thereby initiating the healing from the hurts and traumas.

Past Life Healing provides a rapid way of transforming oneself, as it gives glimpses and insights into the dynamics of one’s own energetic patterns. One learns to start making conscious choices rather than being ruled by the old and often stubborn subconscious patterns. This equips one to move quickly into who one chooses to be, A NEW YOU creating a life with awareness and empowerment.

Past being deeply embedded in our subconscious is not easily accessible to us. It is recommended that one delves deeper into Past Lives with professional guidance.

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My Past Life Experience

In a meditation retreat I started sensing the lady sitting to my right is my husband from a past life. I saw vivid glimpses of our marriage and many other experiences.

Since we had to observe complete silence through the retreat, I finally spoke to her on the last day. Interestingly she also recalled similar memories. She gave me a little gift and requested me to keep it because she said she owed me from that life. In this life she is a monk in Korea and I live in India, and we both landed up in the same retreat, as if by design.

Within no time, we experienced each other as the purest beings, as the true essence of who we are. In that past life I had felt betrayed by my husband. In this current life too I went through betrayal and experienced life as being unfair, and that there is no justice in this world. Can you imagine the feeling had continued from that past life and was active in this life too? The paradox is that till the emotional charge of that feeling continued within me, I was attracting life experiences to fulfil that charge.


Meeting her and receiving what she owed me symbolically from that past life restored my confidence that there is absolute justice in this world. As the emotional charge of betrayal got neutralised within me, I could see the world in a new light. I found the courage to let go of the people that I had been feeling troubled by for many years. A major property dispute just got resolved effortlessly in my favour.

Clients Speak

“The session open a different chapter for Me. I’m able to relate to many things that happened in my life, with a different perspective. The entire process was flowing so smoothly. I visually saw a lot of flashes very distinct and clear. The session has resolved and answered a lot of my questions and opened new space for me. There was strong connect between what I saw in two of my past lives, and something significant that happened in my current life many years ago because of which I wasn’t able to express myself freely all these years. Communicating my feelings was always challenging for me. I also accessed the root cause of my anger, and am not able to accept that I have anger in me, which I had been in complete denial of. It has given me clarity of why I had been overprotective with my daughter. I now understand the distinction between the subconscious pattern and conscious mind. I am now mindful that a subconscious pattern is showing up and I can consciously work on it. I am now able to go beyond the past memories and create a new reality. My experience of the facilitator was excellent. An extremely selfless teacher with immense experience, she knows what will work best for me and inspires me to work on myself. The session was beautifully planned where the past, present and future we’re all taken care of. Post the session, I feel so much lighter, peaceful and confident to express freely.”
Deepali Chheda
How I Progressed, after Past Life Session: It was an empowering session with Rita, to say the least. Having faced copious amounts of loneliness, and at times ostracisation, in this lifetime, I had often wondered why it 'happened to me'. In this lifetime, I had a good life, loving family and friends, and yet...the wall, always the wall....I yearned for warmth and enclosure. Meandering down multiple lifetimes in the session, I saw myself as a man mostly, occasionally as a woman, and once as a sea creature... multiple roles, but everywhere a stone wall (the mollusc 'me' couldn't return to my undersea stone cave). Clearly a common theme was showing up life after life. Rita helped me with thorough interpretation of each lifetime. I was able to come to some conclusions. I was then guided with the follow-up actions to heal each lifetime and bring it to a closure. Many months, or probably a year after this, I randomly planned a trip with a few others. As we drove through, it was as if we were driving through the stony landscapes of my past lives…. Only this time, I wasn't a lone ranger, but was feeling warm and enclosed, like I had always wanted. I remember messaging Rita excitedly, and we later had several discussions on how course correction and right thoughts in this lifetime can lighten and erase the influence of the past. Deeply grateful for her technique and experience, really. Respectful and non intrusive, and so very effective!
Madhuri Maitra